3 Ways to Keep Freedom and Independence for the Elderly
How can independence be kept for those who are aging? Maintaining freedom is a big concern for many who have spent the latter part of their years caring and looking after their family! Understandably, losing self-esteem can be a concern as well, when elderly loved ones are unable to do tasks and errands that they’d never had issues completing in the past. But nowadays, we have so many tools and different technologies to keep our older generations living free and happy. We’ll be discussing a few today as well as some very easy things for the elderly to do, or that can be suggested to them, to lift their spirits! And keep them happy and full of life.
First and foremost: exercise and nutrition. And we know, this goes for everyone! You and I, our kids, politicians, everyone in the world needs to eat healthy, nutritious foods, and get outdoors and get their heart rate up to stay happy. 30 minutes a day, minimum, for exercise is recommended. If mobility is limited, walking works, or swimming or stationary bikes. We recommend getting outdoors with friends and doing group activities! If there is camaraderie to be had, it will have a positive influence, for sure!
Which brings us to our second suggestion: socialization. To fight off the loneliness that can easily creep in when one feels like they’re losing their independence, bring people, friends, and family around. Socializing may be one of those ‘activities’, like exercising, that one feels takes more energy than they have. It’s a downward spiraling condition. Give the positive reinforcement to get your elderly loved ones to talk with the people in their community, family, or social circles. It will make a world of difference!
Thirdly, when independence is a concern due to physical, neurological conditions or frailty, recommend, and help to, set up a safe living space. Remove hazards like rugs to create level areas for walking. Install grab bars in the bathroom and railings along stairs. Falls and slips are all too easy and can be debilitating! And they can further remove independence. Look for ways that you elderly loves ones can get around their own living space with ease and safety and educate them on these tools.
You can find all manner of ideas, mobility aids (like Compression Socks Dressing Aid), nutritional suggestions online to help your elderly friends and family members, or those in your community, in keeping freedom and independence in their golden years! We’ve selected a few articles to assist you in your search:
Get 10 Steps To Preserve Independence And Control As You Age (we like this one, we got some ideas from it!)
Independent Living Options for the Elderly (extremely helpful for those looking for information about alternative options for housing)
Using Home Health Care to Facilitate Independent Living (excellent tips and benefits for home health care)
Let us know what you think! What suggestions and recommendations do you have?