5 Ways to Make Life Easier for Senior Care Nurses

We know that nurses sometimes have it rough! Making the rounds, cleaning things up, working with patients that, well, are sometimes less than patient! But you do it because you love helping others. There are those amazingly gratifying moments when things go right and you’ve made someone’s day and they break into a smile, just for you.

So, to help you on your way to those moments, we’ve researched and picked out 5 ways to make life easier for senior care nurses that will make your job a little easier and get you through those long shifts with a smile:

  1. Keep a notepad handy: let’s face it, you want to remember everything but we’re not superheroes!
  2. If you’re buying work clothes, get multiples! And keep extras at work.
  3. Download Calculate by QxMD: it’s a free clinical calculator to help you make decisions.
  4. Needing caffeine? Make it as easy as possible. Set a timer on your coffee machine. Or get it through drive-through. As long as the line isn’t too long!
  5. Research aids for mobility. SocksOn can help you save time in your rounds and your patients will feel more independent, too.

From tips to apps to daily living aids, it’s the small things that can make a big difference in your day. If you find these useful, here are 4 other articles and post we think you might find useful:

Twenty (One) Tips for junior doctors working with older people

5 Common but Avoidable Nursing Mistakes

Tips for Choosing the Right Wheelchair for Your Elderly Loved One

Improving Communication with Older Patients: Tips from the Literature


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